Details about World Gig Workers Association
The World Gig Workers A ssociation is your go-to platform via designed for people to find work, and for employers to find help when they need it the most. We offer classified listings and expert headhunting services designed to support gig / independent workers a nd t hose that hir e workers worldwide. Whether you are searchin g f or a 'w ork from home' job online o r an in-person job offline , our website offers v a rious tools to assist you in your job search. Or if you are an employer se e king to hire v e rified w orkers then we ’ ve got you cove r ed as well. I n addition , we offer community groups, advocacy assistance and talent recruiters services to support you along the way. F urthermore, we invite you t o uni t e with us , b e empowere d , and thrive in the gig economy. Learn more about us today! We look forward to your visit!